Sunday, October 25, 2015

Lab 5: Development of a Field Navigation Map


If technology once again fails you, it is important to be able to know how to get from place to place by using an "old school" map. In order to do this though we first must make this map. We will go into greater detail about making these maps later on in this blog post, but the major factor which will make this map usable is the grid we will be adding to it which will have a set amount of feet/degrees between each grid mark. This map will be used to locate points at the Priory in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. We will use a pace count to create a trail to locate the said points at the Priory.

Pace Count: A pace count is a set number of steps, starting with either your right or left leg, and then counting every time your opposite foot hits the ground. So if you start with your right leg, you count every time your left food hits the ground.


In order to understand a map we must know roughly how many paces were in 100 yards. Walking 100 yards and counting every time you go one pace I had a count of 62 paces per 100 yards. This information will be useful in the next lab as that is when we will be going out into the field.

The second part of this lab was to create two base maps, the first using feet as the unit of measurement and the second using degrees. In order to create the maps we used data from the Priory Geodatabase created by Dr. Joseph Hupy of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Geography and Anthropology Department. The information I used for my maps was aerial imagery from ESRI ArcMap and then the Priory Boundary to indicate the study area. A 50 foot by 50 foot grid was over laid on the map as well.

The two maps also contained very important elements such as;
-North Arrow
-A Scale Bar in meters
-Relative Fraction Scale
-Projection and Coordinate System
-Grid, properly labeled in correct units
-Background layer (aerial imagery)
-Data Sources Used
-And lastly a Watermark (creators name)


Map 1 uses the NAD 1983 UTM Zone 15 projection
Map 2 uses GCS_WGS_1984

Map 1 has 50 foot grid dividers
Map 2 has the same but instead of feet it is listed in Degrees

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Lab 4: Unmanned Aerial Systems Mission Planning

The objective of this assignment is to introduce the students to how Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), mission planning and get a basic understanding on how software such as Mission Planner, Real Flight Simulator and Pix4D work. This assignment will be broken up into two separate parts. The first part being, Dr. Hupy will manually fly a DJI Phantom over a study area taking pictures every so often, and then the second part will be using the software we have at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire to process the data. Mission planning and Flight Simulators will also be used during this lab.

Before entering the field we learned about several different UAS/UAV systems, including fixed wing,  multi-rotor (quad/hex copters) and what is the difference between an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle/System and an RC (radio control) toy plane.

Fixed Wing

The very first thing we learned about a Fixed Wing (wings that do not move) UAV was that they are not RC planes. The major difference between the Fixed Wing and an RC plane is that the RC plane does not have a computer on board which can be used to collect data. The Fixed Wing UAVs at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire have Pixahwk, which are the brains of the system. Everything the Fixed Wing does is related back to the flight station, whether it is being remote controlled or the on board computer is controlling the pre-determined flight plan, all the data is relayed back to the station. Newer UAVs are now starting to use replaceable/rechargeable batteries to lengthen the amount of flight time you can get, instead of having one fixed battery which has to be recharged every so often. The Fixed Wing we were shown had an average flight time of about 1.5 hours and have a cruising speed of over 14 meters per second (m/s). Lastly, we were shown how to get one of these Fixed Winged vehicles into the air, they do not have wheels and are too heavy to throw, so they have to rely on a bungee cord type launch mechanism, making it very difficult to use in small spaces such as cities and dense forests.


In the lab we were shown two different multi-rotor UAVs. One had four rotors (quad-copter) two of the propellers were silver and two were black. This was to indicate that they spun opposite directions. Although not mentioned in class, I believe they spin opposite directions to assure a smooth and stable flight. The spinning of the propellers in opposite directions also makes this device capable of going any direction with the ease of a switch.

The other type of multi-rotor UAV we saw was a 6 engine one. This one, much heavier than the previously shown UAVs required two large batteries to operate with. This UAV has a much larger payload then the others, but with the increase of payload, we will also see an increase in power usage. The six-rotor UAV thus only has a flight time of about 35 minutes, less if you are attempting to carry some heavier equipment.

With all three of the seen UAVs, an increase in speed then means that we will see an increase in turning radius. The multi-rotors are capable though of slowing down and being able to hover, thus eliminating the large turn radius, but the fixed wing UAV is not capable of hovering, otherwise it will stall, so it must use a large turn radius if it is going to fast.

Part 1: Demonstration Flight

Under the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Walking Bridge, Dr. Hupy flew his DJI Phantom unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The purpose of this demonstration flight was to demonstrate how a UAV is flown as well as the tools and applications which could be used in this kind of situation. On board the DJI Phantom was a camera which can take pictures of what is directly below. The DJI took several pictures, a switch on the controller initiated when the pictures would be taken. In larger study areas, or different model UAVs, cameras can have settings to take pictures every so often (usually one every 0.7 seconds).

The DJI took over 200 images of two separate study areas; one study area was east of the walking bridge, capturing several parts of the shore, lake and grass areas. The other study area was west of the walking bridge where a couple students used rocks to make a large scale 24 with a circle around it.
Later on these images will be used in the program Pix4D to create a Digital Surface Model (DEM).

DJI Phantom (figure 1)

-The DJI phantom come as a basic quadcopter starting at $500, but can be upgraded to have a gimbal and a camera with the price still being under $2000.
-Relatively easy to fly for someone who has never flown one before.
-Due to its small size, it is very portable

-Not a whole lot of control
-installation can be difficult

Figure 1: DJI Phantom in box awaiting assembly

Fixed Wing Vehicles (figure 2)

-Long Flight Time
-Larger Payload
-Multiple different instruments can be installed to it
-Stable in Windy conditions

-Long set up/prep time
-Needs a large takeoff area
-Requires large turn radius

-Precision Agriculture Mapping
-Large Area Mapping
-Ozone Mapping

Figure 2: Fixed Wing UAV

Multi-Rotor Vehicles (Figure 3)

Figure 3: Multi-Rotor UAV
-Small Turn Radius
-Easy for beginners to fly
-Multiple sensors can be attached to it

-Small payload capabilities
-Shorter flight time
-Not stable in windy conditions

-Flying over volcanoes
-Asset Inspection
-Live Streaming events
when I was at Whistling Straits watching the second round I got to get an up-close view of one of the multi-rotor UAVs they were using to get shots of some of the holes along Lake Michigan.
-And one day delivering small boxes from Amazon...

Part 2: Software

After the seeing the DJI fly around on the banks of the Chippewa River, we went back into the labs at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire to learn about some of the software we can use to process images, create flight plans and even use flight simulators. In order to process the images we collected, we are going to use a program called Pix4D. This image processing software was used with the DJI Phantom to create a 3D view of the images taken.

Pix4D (figure 4)

Figure 4: The software we used to post process our gathered images

The software we used to create a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) along with other features, with the pictures taken by the DJI Phantom Vision Drone. Of the 200+ images taken, I used a total of 19 to create a point cloud file, which using outside programs such as ArcMap; we can turn it into a DEM raster.

The first step of using this software is to select the pictures you want to use from the file of pictures taken. Again for this I used 19 pictures taken, each containing a portion of the Circled 24 on the bank of the Chippewa River (figure 5).

Figure 5: Selected images to be used for post data collection processing
The next step in this process was to make sure all of the properties for each image were correct. Since the camera used stored data about altitude and coordinates, this step only required a simple click of the mouse on the next tab (figure 5).

Figure 5: A list of images ready to go onto post processing containing multiple forms of data
Other steps before the processing will take place include selecting the type of units you wish to use and what kind of maps you want to be created. The one selected for this project includes orthomoasic maps and a digital surface map (figure 6).

Figure 6: A list of the different types of maps you can make depending on how you run your data
Once done running, a serious of outputs were given in a PDF file, as well as saved as individual files in the selected workplace project folder (figures 7 and 8).

Figure 7: The mosaic and Digital Surface Model created from processing the images collected by the DJI Phantom
Figure 8: One of the maps created showed how much overlap there was between the images

Mission Planner (figures 9-11)

Many newer UAVs have on board computers which can fly themselves, well sort of fly themselves. In order for them to fly themselves we have to use a program called Mission Planner. Mission Planner is a computer software where you can plan your flights and figure out how much time it will take to fly as well as how many pictures you will have to take.

With the risk of other commercial or private flying instruments and vehicles, mission planning is very important. Typically “Drones” have a bad reputation in the eyes of the public, so planning and getting everything all set up is even more important. On the Mission Planner planning page, there are multiple red circles,

Figure 9: Opening Screen of Mission Planner

Figure 10: Study area for UAV flight

Figure 11: Proposed flight plan for a flight to take place in the Study Area
Real Flight-Flight Simulator

The worst thing that can happen to a UAV in terms of expense is crashing it and totally destroying it because you are not familiar with how it works. Luckily, we have Real Flight-Flight Simulators in the lab. This way you can practice (crash) all the UAVs you want without having to worry about damaging $1000s worth of equipment.

Real Flight is one of the most lifelike flight simulators on the market; using a similar control to a real UAV or RC vehicle it gives you the most accurate type of flying. You are able to choose from just about any type of vehicle imaginable. Flight options include hex copter, quadcopter, helicopters, all different types of planes, a gator driving a wind boat, and even a paper airplane.

Part 3: Scenarios

"A power line company spends lots of money on a helicopter company monitoring and fixing problems on their line. One of the biggest costs is the helicopter having to fly up to these things just to see if there is a problem with the tower. Another issue is the cost of just figuring how to get to the things from the closest airport."

First let us run through what we are trying to accomplish with this scenario. We want to come up with a cost efficient way to monitor and fix power lines.

The biggest issue here is the helicopter. Helicopters are expensive to buy, fly and maintain. They need take off space, which often times has to be done at an airport, they need expert pilots who are capable of flying them in such tight spaces. Very dangerous to fly near power lines, both for the power line and the people around. Lastly, if you are only checking to see if there is damage and there is none, you just wasted all that time and money on something that was no problem.

Through this lab exercise, I can suggest the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for this scenario. Most likely a mutli-rotor vehicle because they can hover in place, easily maneuverable, they do not need a whole lot of take off space and can be relatively cheap (compared to a helicopter).

This video, not in English, shows a prime example of how a UAV can be used to inspect power lines with much more ease then the use of a helicopter.


Saturday, October 3, 2015

Lab 3: Conducting a Distance Azimuth Survey


What will happen if you need to conduct a survey using a fancy GPS and survey stations when the technology fails? Or maybe you are going to a different country and Customs cease your equipment for investigation.  It was not all that long ago that humanity did not have this kind of technology and they seemed to survive just fine. In order for us to combat this metaphorical issue we used a tool which could calculate the distance between you and the object as well as calculate the azimuth.

Using a sophisticated Trupulse Laser Range Finder, we could point to any object we wanted and in turn the range finder would give us multiple values, the only ones we were interested in were slope distance (SD) and azimuth.

Study Areas

For this lab we used four different study areas. The first study area used was done in class as a way of testing the equipment out. On the southeast side of Phillips Science Hall located where the access road meets the back parking lot (44.796281,-91.499395) Figure 1. The class shot a series of points to get a better grasp of how this equipment worked. My group (myself and Zachary Nemeth) shot six points from this location.

Figure 1: Study Area 1- Done during class time, Results-Failed
The second study area we used was located on the northeast side of Phillips Science Hall located by the bus stop at the circular drop off point for vehicles (44.797638,-91.498991) Figure 2 and 3. We shot a total of 20 points from this location. Our features included trash cans, black street lights, wooden street lights and silver street lights.

Figure 2: Study Area 2: Facing Campus we collected Street lights and garbage cans from this location

Figure 2: Study Area 2, reverse direction: Here we collected several different street pole types

The third study area we used was located in the campus mall. Choosing the large circle located in the large open area of the mall because of its easily identifiable properties on a map (44.79782,-91.500787) Figure 4. At this location we shot a total of 51 points (bringing out total to 71). We shot presumably every stone located in the amphitheater and recorded them as either single stone, double stones or triple stones depending on how many were grouped together.

Figure 4: Study Area 3: Campus Amphitheater, here we collected data on all of the stone seats (single, double and triple)

Our final study area was located about 20 feet away from the northeast corner of Schofield Hall (44.798761,-91.499713) Figure 5. Here we shot our remaining 29 points to bring our total number of points shot to an astonishing 100 points, taking about an hour to do so. At this location we shot a variety of objects including benches, trash cans and assorted lamp posts (and came across one person who called us weird because they thought we were spying on people). 
Figure 5: Study Area 4: Here we captured several benches and light poles

Each of the study areas chosen all served a purpose, we wanted to pick areas that were relatively open and away from buildings, that way when we put the points on a map they are all going to be spread out and not have 15 points all in a straight line looking one direction. The features we chose to shoot, we wanted something you could see on a map, that way we could see how precise our data was.


All of our data points we collected using a Trupulse Range Finder (Figure 6). The first step was to acquire this piece of equipment from the UWEC Geography Department. Once acquired, we went off to each of our three study areas listed above in the study areas section of the blog. We had a slight idea in our minds of what we wanted to shoot, but would not make up the decision until after we got to our location on what else we could shoot. 

Figure 6: Trupulse Range Finder, equipment used during data gathering

Once at the study area, we would use the Trupulse Range Finder and look through the scope. Through the view finder there was a square cross hair type of image on the lens, this is what you would line up with what you were trying to find the distance and azimuth of. Once the desired object is in the cross-hairs we hit a small button on the top side of the range finder labeled FIRE. This would cause a laser pulse to shoot out and gather data of the object. Using the arrows on the side of the range finder to scroll through the data we found the slope distance and azimuth of the desired object. One person would be using the range finder and saying the distance and azimuth (as well as the object being shot) while the other person recorded the data into a google spreadsheet (Figure 7). This would be repeated 99 more times. 

Figure 7: Document containing all the information gathered from the field

The next step was to find the exact coordinates of each of our three starting locations. This was done using Google Maps and right clicking on the exact area of study. An option would pop up saying “What is here” and clicking that would give us the X and Y coordinates to the 6th decimal place. We put that information into our Google Spreadsheet and then copied and pasted the entire sheet into Excel. We did this so we could work with the data in ESRI ArcMap.

In a geodatabase already created in ArcMap, right click and scroll down to import and select table (single). After doing this our data was imported to ArcMap and was ready to be used. The first tool we had to use was called Bearing Distance to Line Tool (Figure 8 and 9). This tool would give a list of options to choose from including X, Y, azimuth and distance options which had to be filled out properly in order for this section to work. 

Figure 8: Bearing Distance To Line tool will give us the lines from the starting point to the feature point

Figure 9: End result from running the Bearing Distance to Line tool

The next step after this was to take those vertices and make them points. This step requires the Feature Vertices to Point Tool (Figure 10 and 11). For this tool there is only three options. Input Features, which is our feature we just created in the previous step, Output feature class, which is for saving purposes and lastly Point Type. For this category make sure to select END for the option otherwise you will end up with double the number of points, since it will take both the start and ending points.

Figure 10: Feature Vertices to Points will give the points at the end of the lines

Figure 11: The end result of using the Feature Vertices to Points tool, layered over the previously ran tool

In order to make it possible to show what each point represents we have to join the points with our Excel file. This is a simple join based on the Object ID. After running the join, I created a map showing the three study areas and what each line was pointing to represented as a different color (figure 12).

Figure 12: Final product of feature points. 

Step Recap

1. Gather Trupulse Range Finder
2. Locate Study Area
3. Use Trupulse Range Finder on desired objects
4. Record data in Spreadsheet
5. Record coordinates of starting locations
6. Import data in Excel Spreadsheet
7. Import data into ArcMap Geodatabase
8. Use Bearing Distance to Line tool in ArcMap
9. Use Feature Vertices to Point tool in ArcMap
10. Join the points feature class with the table by Object ID
11. Create visual pleasing maps

On our map we had three different study areas, mentioned above. Two of the three study areas proved to be pretty accurate, but the campus mall Amphitheater one seemed to be off by several degrees. When we were testing the equipment earlier in the week we found that underground wires and Wi-Fi signals could be distorting the sensor. Here I believe that is the issue. All of the points, when looking at the map, seem to be off by about 15-20 degrees and about 3 feet short of the target. The other two study areas went off without a hitch.

In order to rid of any biasness we kept the same person capturing the data through the range finder and the other person kept to typing the data.

Unfortunately, the most recent imagery used shows Centennial Hall still being constructed. This lead to several points looking like they were construction equipment and not the light posts or tables that our actually there today.

Overall we spent about an hour collecting data points in the field. It was around 8am when we started so some points were hard to see, especially ones which were east of us, looking through a range finder when the sun is in direct line of your object is not fun, and incredibly dangerous if done for too long.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What am I looking for while scrolling through the range finder?

A: There are 2 different fields we are looking for one is labeled SD meaning Slope Distance, Slope distance takes into account the vertical and horizontal distance of the objects. The second set we are looking for is labeled AZ. This is the azimuth or how many degrees 0-360 we are away from True North. 0/360 would be north, 90 east, 180 south and 270 west.

Q:  What happens if I use the ALL point type on Feature Vertices to Points tool

A: It will double the number of points you have. Instead of just calculating the end points, which is what we wanted to do in this lab, it will calculate the start and end point resulting in 100 features become 200. This will then throw off the table join, resulting in 50 of your points not having a feature description.

Q: There is no current base map with up to data UWEC imagery?

A: In order to combat this issue, I used two images from the Geospatial folder on the UWEC Geography Departments Servers. Although it is not completely up to date, it still gave me what I needed, something the other base layer data could not give me, unless I was zoomed way out.


The image above shows the final product of all the study areas. In total we tagged 6 benches (red), 19 black street lights (orange), 2 cigarette receptacles (light orange), 9 double stones (yellow), 8 Silver Street Lights (green), 34 single stones (blue), 11 trash cans (purple), 8 triple stones (pink) and 3 wooden street lights (grey).

Although we were careful with the data collection, we still had a little skewness to our data. Again this could be contributed to just about anything. It could be from Wi-Fi, or underground cable wires, or it was hazy and foggy during our time of data capturing, there is an infinite number of possibilities which could skew the laser, even human error was a possibility.


Overall, this is a pretty low tech form of mapping features. We were of course using a very expensive tool for this, but it could easily be done using a ruler tape and compass. That would have taken us a lot longer than the one hour we spent outside collecting data though.

This could come in handy if GPS technology is unavailable or if something happened to your equipment making it no longer usable. Although in a world with ever growing technology this tool, range/azimuth finder, has been replaced by far more sophisticated technologies which can easily take out the human error.